“The mission of Herscher Community Unit School District No. 2 Board of Education is to educate each student to his highest potential, to instill in each student an attitude of social responsibility in a safe and orderly environment, and to provide each student with the goals, values and technology to successfully meet the challenges of the 21st century.”
‘Bright Star’ Awarded to Unit 2 Schools
According to the findings of a Kansas City research firm, the Herscher Community Unit School District ranks among the top districts in Illinois. Read the full write up from the Herscher Pilot.
Herscher boasts two excellent schools: Herscher Grade School, and Herscher High School.
Herscher Grade School
The grade school’s mascot is the Dragon and the colors are green and gold. The education and facilities offered are top notch with in a small town environment. To learn more about the grade school visit Herscher Grade School’s website.
Herscher High School
The high school is a continuation of the fine education started from Herscher Grade. For more information, can be viewed at the exclusive Herscher High School’s web page which was built by Herscher High School students. Thanks so much for visiting our website!
Herscher High School Alumni Association
Please visit the new web site of the Herscher High School Alumni Association. At this website you can join the Alumni Associaton, obtain information on the HHS History Book, see a list of Current Addresses of Alumni and review a list of HHS Graduates from 1904 to 2002.